Planning granted for new Primary Care Centre in Galway City

Galway Daily news People in Galway urged to know their healthcare options for Bank Holiday

Planning approval has been granted for a new primary care centre on the west side of Galway City after the council ordered the project reduced in size.

Valley Healthcare Limited has received the green light for a new eight storey primary care centre, TUSLA building, and ambulance centre on the Seamus Quirke Road.

The currently vacant site is part of the Westside District Centre, on land opposite the Westside Playing Fields.

The primary care centre will contain GP practices, a diagnostic superhub with X-Ray, MRI, and CT scanning capabilities, and Dea & Ultrasound facilties.

Other medical facilities will include Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Ophthalmology, Pediatrics, Dental services, Community Mental Health and Day Hospital facilities.

There will also be a café and a pharmacy unit on the ground floor of the building, in the entrance area.

The original plans were for a building 9 storeys in height, with a parapet. But the city council deemed this excessive for the area, and ordered it reduced in scale.

There will be a basement level car park with 123 car parking spaces, along with 220 bicycle spaces at the basement and ground level.

An Aviation Assessment was also carried out at the request of the city council to determine if the development would have any impact on current or future helipad activity at University Hospital Galway.

Planning permission was ultimately granted for the primary care centre by the city council with 27 conditions attached.

Valley Healthcare must pay a contribution of €547,250 to the city council towards the provision of public services facilitating the development.