Permission south to demolish derelicts for new housing

Galway Daily news Planning permission extended to build 113 houses in Moycullen

Permission is being sought to demolish two derelict properties and build three fresh housing units on the site in Tuam.

The development would consist of demolishing two uninhabited derelict buildings on the Old Ballygaddy road in Tuam.

Built in their place would be two semi-detached houses and a detached house.

The original application was to build four units, but the county council asked the developer to reduce the number and enlarge their garden space.

The orginal plans were submitted in May of this year, and in July the council made a request for further information.

They asked the developer to show why the existing buildings could not be renovated, and to redesign the proposed buildings to fit the tone of the area.

A report was submitted by Mark Fahy & Associates Civil Engineers saying the buildings had been left unoccupied for nearly ten years.

During that time there was no maintenance done on the buildings and the are now irreparably derelict he said.

He pointed out numerous structural issues including badly rotted roof timbers, walls and foundation riddled with damp, and cracks spreading through the structure of the house.

A decision is due from the county council on whether to let the demolition go ahead in early January.