An Bord Pleanála gives approval for construction of Salthill guesthouse

Galway daily news Knocknacarra social housing

An Bord Pleanála has upheld planning permission for a six bedroom guesthouse at an infill site on the Fr. Griffin Road.

Planning permission was granted by the city council for a guesthouse at a vacant site at 16 Fr Griffin Road back in July with 16 conditions attached.

A previous planning application for an eight bedroom bed and breakfast at this site was rejected by the city council for exceeding the permitted plot ratio for this site.

The new proposal is for a guesthouse with a total floor space of 227m² on a 0.0287 hectare site.

The three storey structure will have six bedrooms, as well as a back garden and shed.

An appeal against the city council’s decision was lodged with An Bord Pleanála by a local resident. It raised concerns about the scale of the development, saying it would overshadow their property.

Issue was also taken with the lack of car parking on site, which the appellant said would increase traffic, and that the project would damage the residential amenity of the area.

In response the developer said that there would be no significant overshadowing or overlooking from the building,

The response also said that the area is close to the city centre and is well served by public transport, with other parking options nearby.

An Bord Pleanála ultimately upheld the city council’s decision, saying that “subject to compliance with the conditions set out below, the proposed development would be in accordance with current development plan policy, would not seriously injure the amenities of the area or of property in the vicinity and would be acceptable in terms of traffic and pedestrian safety”.

“The proposed development would, therefore, be in accordance with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area.”

Planning permission was upheld with eight revised conditions.