People Before Profit’s Galway representative Adrian Curran has hit out at Galway’s landlord TDs, who he says have a significant conflict of interest.
His comments come after the resignation of Minister Robert Troy amid mounting pressure over his failure to properly declare his property interests.
Curran said that to amass 11 properties in 20 years is something most people could not even imagine, and that people are struggling to afford their rents, apply for mortgages, or even find places to live.
“This will continue to worsen in the coming weeks in Galway as thousands of students still have to return for the new academic year,” he said.
The PBP rep said that the housing crisis and cost of living crisis are being exacerbated by those in power for financial gain.
“With around 80 TDs and Senators as declared landlords, it should be no surprise that successive governments have refused to provide public housing and instead allowed obscene profits to be made from people’s housing misery.
“It is easy to see why opposition attempts to ease the housing crisis, like People Before Profit’s Rent Reduction Bill, are shot down.
“It’s important to note that in Galway a number of our TDs including Seán Canney and Noel Grealish own multiple properties and are self-confessed landlords.
“How anyone can say that there isn’t a significant conflict of interest here is beyond me. There should be no landlord TDs and no landlords full stop.”