Over €400,000 announced to “breathe new life” into rural Galway

galway daily leenane park receiving funding from irish government

The governemnt has today announced over €400,000 for Galway aimed at tackling dereliction and ‘breathing new life’ into rural communities.

A total of €250,000 will go towards the development of a Leenane Community Park overlooking Killary Harbour, while €100,000 will fund a number of projects in Barnaderg to improve access to community facilities.

A further €58,000 will be used to advance the implementation Village Health Checks in a number of villages in the county.

The funding is part of €18.5 million announced nationally which will benefit rural towns and villages across the country.

“I am delighted to announce this latest round of funding as part of Our Rural Future,” said Minsiter Heather Humphreys today.

“Many of the successful projects I am announcing today will see vacant and derelict town centre building such as old banks, garda stations and convents transformed into community, cultural and arts spaces.

“There is also a strong focus on remote working projects in this round of funding and I am pleased to see that a number of counties have set out ambitious marketing plans aimed at attracting remote workers to relocate.”