Over 600 NUIG students to receive free laptops

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Over 600 students will be loaned a laptop from NUI Galway as part of a scheme designed to benefit students without access to ICT devices.

The scheme, which is being run through the NUI Galway’s Access Centre, is part of the package of COVID-19 supports announced in August to support disadvantaged students.

Under the scheme, students who are eligible may receive a laptop, on long-term loan, to help them with online learning for as long as they are students at NUIG.

“This scheme is of huge benefit to our most disadvantaged students,” said Imelda Byrne, Head of the Access Centre at NUI Galway.

“This year in particular, when it has been necessary to move learning online, the purchasing of laptops could potentially be a major stumbling block for those in low income households, this scheme is easing that burden for many students. So many of the students were overjoyed when collecting their laptops.”

Distribution of the laptops, complicated by COVID-19 restrictions, was carried out by the Chaplaincy team and James Hardiman Library at NUI Galway.

Eligibility is prioritised on a needs basis. Students from low income households and the identified target groups who demonstrate that they or their family do not have the means to purchase such a device themselves qualify to apply for the scheme.

The second round of the Laptop Loan Scheme opens today.

For more information on the scheme, criteria and application process, visit: www.nuigalway.ie/laptoploanscheme