Over 50,000 on waiting lists for Galway University Hospital


A record number of people were on waiting lists across Ireland during August, the National Treatment Purchase Fund has revealed.

There were 39,883 people on an outpatient waiting list for University Hospital Galway.

That number rose from 39,082 in July and signifies a rise of 1,466 since the start of the year.

Of the 39,883 people,  over five and a half thousand have been on the waiting list for over 18 months.

There were also 10,181 people on inpatient waiting lists for UHG, virtually unchanged from 10,082 in July.

Over three and a half thousand people are also waiting for an appointment at Portiuncula Hospital, with 217 on the inpatient waiting list.

Nationally, the number of people on outpatient lists  hit 514,585, about 2,500 more than in July.

Of these, 66,191 were waiting for an ENT appointment, 63,324 for orthopaedics and over 20,000 were waiting to see a cardiologist.