Over 2,000 come off pandemic unemployment in Galway

Galway Daily news Number on Pandemic Unemployment in Galway drops below 20,000

Over 2,000 people came off Covid-19 Pandemic Unemployment payments in Galway last week according to the latest figures.

Data from the Department of Social Protection and Employment Affairs, there were 29,500 people in Galway in receipt of pandemic unemployment in Galway as of June 2.

That figure is down 2,100 from the week prior when 31,600 people were receiving the payment on May 26.

The department is now paying €190.2 million to 543,200 people receiving the Covid-19 Pandemic Unemployment, down 36,200 on last week.

In addition to this there are now 57,800 employers who have registered for the Wage Subsidy Scheme with the Revenue, supporting 508,100 employees.

Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection, Regina Doherty said that the “peak demand” for the payment has passed in parallel with the flattening of the Covid-19 curve.

“If the current progress on the health front holds firm, we will see an incremental drop on the numbers in need of this assistance.”

However, the Minister cautioned that “not everyone will be getting back to work” in Phase One of reopening the country, and that the payment will have to continue past June.

“As we gradually move through all the phases of reopening our society, we do need to review the nature of the Pandemic Unemployment Payment and how it fits into cross-government plans to keep Ireland healthy and get the country working again.”

Changes will soon be brought forward to accommodate changing circumstances Minister Doherty said, adding that all who need it will receive “appropriate assistance”.

In the last week 33,900 people closed the claim for pandemic unemployment with the department, and of those, 28,400 said they were returning to work.

The main sectors in which people are returning to work this week, continue to be Construction with 9,900 workers back in work.

That was followed by Wholesale and Retail Trade, Repair of Motor vehicles and motorcycles with 4,300 people back at their jobs, and another 2,800 returned to work in the Manufacturing sector.