Outdoor dining licence fees waived for the year

Galway Daily news Pedestrianising of city streets

Licence fees for outdoor dining at cafés, bars, and restaurants have been waived for the remainder of the years.

Minister Darragh O’Brien has signed and published the regulations for waiving section 254 street furniture license fees for the remainder of 2022.

This measure is meant to support the recuperating hospitality industry, by encouraging businesses to increase their capacity with outdoor seating this summer.

Last year the government took a similar measure to make it less costly for businesses to increase their presence on the street.

Minister O’Brien said that the hospitality industry in particular bore the brunt of measures to combat the spread of COVID-19 during the pandemic.

“We know that the summer months will provide an opportunity to the hospitality sector to increase the vibrancy of areas through the controlled use of outdoor dining on public roads.”

“Therefore, these regulations will repeat last year’s waiver and offer some respite to businesses who otherwise would pay significant street furniture licence fees.”

“There is no fee for awnings, canopies and heaters also as we have exempted them from planning on a permanent basis.”

Galway City is repeating last year’s measures of closing a number of public streets, either in the evening or 24/7, to provide more space for outdoor dining.

The council is pedestrianising the Small Crane and part of Woodquay all day, while Dominick Street Upper, William Street West and Raven’s Terrace will be closed to traffic in the evening