Older adults in Galway city invited to open OPC event

Galway daily news older people invited to meeting at menlo park hotel

Older adults in Galway city have been invited to an event next week, where they will find out about Older People’s Councils (OPCs).

The organisers have announced well-loved author Michael Harding will be a guest speaker at the event which takes place on Monday 5 September from 10.30am to 2pm in the Menlo Park Hotel.

The meeting is a collaboration between Galway City Council and Galway City Partnership, and those in attendance will discover how to get involved in a new OPC for Galway city.

OPCs help older adults take a more active role in their communities and have their voices heard.

While the Galway County OPC is now well established, Galway city is looking forward to establishing its own OPC this September.

The open event will be a chance for people to express interest in the new OPC and to encourage a wide variety of representatives to join.

Speaking about representation on the new OPC, Ciara Coy of Galway City Partnership said that to be really effective, Older People’s Councils should be reflective of all older people in the community to ensure the needs of everyone are heard.

“Therefore, we warmly welcome older people from all backgrounds to join us on Mon the 5th of September in the Menlo Park Hotel.

“In particular, we welcome members of Active Retired groups, Men’s Sheds and women’s groups, LGBTQI+ groups, members of the Traveller or Roma community, nursing home residents, people with lived experience of disability, older migrants who have made Galway their home.”

The event will kick off at 10.30am with registration, followed by some light yoga.

Michael Harding will offer some reflective thoughts for the audience while Anne Rizzo, Regional Programme Manager (West) for Age Friendly Ireland will share some information on the function of OPCs across Ireland and the importance of older people’s voices in influencing local and national policy.

An information session from Galway City Alcohol Forum will also form part of the agenda and includes an input from Marion Rackard, Project Manager HSE Alcohol Programme, on ‘Alcohol and Growing Older’, sharing some of the latest research on the impact of alcohol on older people and providing practical advice and support.

The event will close with musical entertainment by Carmel Dempsey, followed by a light lunch. An AGM to elect the new Galway City OPC will take place the following week on Thursday 15th September at 11am in the Westside Resource Centre.

To register for the OPC Open Event, please contact Ciara Coy on 083 0234390 or email ciara@gcp.ie