NUIG Students’ Union to give out free reusable masks to students

galway daily news students union nuig free masks
Left to Right: Clodagh McGivern (Education Officer NUIGSU), Cora Clarke (Welfare and Equality Officer NUIGSU) agus Róisín Nic Lochlainn (President NUIGSU)

NUI Galway Students’ Union is distributing free masks on behalf of the University as students return to Galway for the start of the new academic year.

NUI Galway has supplied high-quality, reusable, washable masks for every student, which the Students’ Union will be giving out over the next few weeks leading up to First Year Orientation.

The SU has partnered with the University to ensure that all students will have a
chance to get their masks which will be available for collection from the Aula Maxima
in the Quadrangle building on campus until the end of September.

The Union will also be distributing their ‘Rudaí Álainn’ reusable tote bags to students which will include a Welcome to NUIG magazine along with lots of freebies and student

Masks will be available from the SU Office for anyone who hasn’t had a chance to collect theirs during this month.

NUI Galway Students’ Union President Róisín Nic Lochlainn said: “We are delighted to partner with the University on this project again to ensure that all NUI Galway students are ready for the start of the semester with a supply of reusable masks.

“We encourage all our students to wear face coverings to help stop the spread of COVID-19 and to look after each other.

“This is just one of the important ways in which we can all join the fight against the spread of coronavirus and ensure our safe, permanent return to campus.”