NUI Galway Professor elected to Irish Academy of Engineering

iae galway daily nui galway professor
Engineering Dept portraits Photograph by Aengus McMahon

An NUI Galway Professor has said it is ‘an honour’ to have been elected to Fellowship of the Irish Academy of Engineering (IAE).

County Mayo native Peter McHugh is the Established Professor of Biomedical Engineering and former Dean of Engineering and Informatics at NUI Galway.

He has been hugely influential in the development of biomedical engineering research and education at NUI Galway over the last 20 years.

This distinction has been given to Professor McHugh by the IAE in recognition of his ‘exceptional career and contribution to the advancement of engineering and economic and social progress in Ireland’.

Speaking about his Fellowship, Professor Peter McHugh, NUI Galway, said: “To be elected to the Irish Academy of Engineering is indeed an honour, and I hope to be able to build on this to further enhance the impact of engineering at NUI Galway and the west of Ireland on the national and international stage.”

The Irish Academy of Engineering is an all-island body with a mission to advance the wellbeing of the country by marshalling the expertise and insights of eminent engineers to provide independent advice to policy makers on matters involving engineering and technology.

Fellowship of the Academy recognises outstanding distinction in engineering in Ireland and overseas, covering academia, public sector, industry and engineering consultancy, with a current membership of 146.

President of NUI Galway, Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, said: “On behalf of colleagues at NUI Galway, I extend warmest congratulations to Peter on this recognition by the Irish Academy of Engineering.

“His election to Fellowship signals the immense and continuing contribution which Peter continues to make to the field of engineering in Ireland, in particular to the area of biomedical engineering.

“As an educator, researcher and an academic leader at NUI Galway, Peter has demonstrated his personal talent and his commitment to the advancement of engineering in Irish society. I’m delighted to see his achievements so justly recognised by the Academy in this way.”