NUI Galway Students Union launches SHAG Week events

shag week nui galway

NUI Galway Students Union has launched its SHAG Week (Sexual Health Awareness and Guidance) events which will include free confidential rapid HIV testing with AIDS West.

The Rapid HIV Test is remarkable as it gives a HIV result in less than a minute – it is the world’s fastest HIV test.

No appointment is necessary and all are welcome to attend the clinic 2pm – 5pm on Wednesday 7 November in The Space, Áras na Mac Léinn, NUI Galway.

Other events during the week include disclosure training with Galway Rape Crisis Centre and Sex Toy Bingo which is nothing like the bingo your Granny might attend! The free, on campus, Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) Clinic will have extended hours during SHAG Week.

The Students’ Union will also distribute free condoms to all students.

Students’ Union President Megan Reilly said: “We hope that our SHAG week events will encourage our students to take a responsible attitude to sexual health and to be comfortable talking about it.

“It is vital that such issues are not viewed as embarrassing and that all sexually active students are able to get tested regularly.”

The numbers of new diagnoses of HIV in Ireland have increased by 35% since 2011.

Early diagnosis is also key, as HIV is often transmitted by people who are unaware that they are HIV Positive.

The World Health Organisation estimates that 30% of people living with HIV do not know their status.

Students’ Union Vice-President/Welfare and Equality Officer Clare Austick said: “We are delighted to be working with AIDS West to bring this free and confidential service to campus. I would encourage people to get tested if they have concerns over their HIV Status.

“We want to educate our students about safe, consensual sex and prevention of Sexually Transmitted Infections through initiatives such as SHAG (Sexual Health Awareness & Guidance) Week.”

Contact AIDS West on 091 566 266 or email to find out more or to book an appointment if you prefer.