Night-time water restrictions on Inis Oírr lifted after more than six months

Galway Daily news Ballyconneelly water outages

Night time water restrictions imposed on Inis Oírr more than six months ago have been lifted by Irish Water.

Water restrictions have been in effect on the Island nightly between 11pm and 7am and were introduced in order to conserve the low water resources on the Island.

These restrictions were imposed back on April 6, and have now been lifted with immediate effect.

Eoin Hughes of Irish Water said, “The restrictions were necessary over the summer months to ensure a continuous daily water supply was available for residents and businesses for hygiene and other essential purposes.”

“Supplies were increased by a significant amount of tankering of water by sea from Rossaveel over the past number of months.”

“Thankfully water reserves on the island have recovered and are currently sufficient to ensure a continuous water supply into the autumn.”

“Irish Water and Galway County Council will continue to monitor and maintain the supply for our customers on Inis Oírr.”

“We would like to thank residents, businesses and visitors to the Island for their conservation efforts during the restrictions.”