New video highlights largely hidden form of abuse in Irish society

galway daily aib video abuse
ATM machine at night. Blank white screen for text.; Shutterstock ID 1132487648; Purchase Order: -

A new video highlighting the nature of a largely hidden form of abuse in Ireland has been unveiled today.

The ‘Abusive Teller Machine’, a collaboration between AIB and Women’s Ai, brings to life how financial abuse manifests across daily interactions in abusive relationships.

According to Women’s Aid, financial abuse is a form of domestic violence in which the abuser uses money as a means of controlling their partner.

By controlling a person’s access to financial resources, the abuser ensures that they will be forced to choose between staying in an abusive relationship or facing extreme poverty.

Filmed in AIB’s The Lab in Dundrum Shopping Centre earlier this month, the ‘Abusive Teller Machine’, a specially created ATM, was programmed with the kind of controlling questions all too common in financially abusive relationships.

As customers attempted to access their money the questions became increasingly intrusive and intimidating before the customer was ultimately denied their money and the reason for their experience revealed.

Women’s Aid is a leading national organisation that has been working in Ireland to stop domestic violence against women and children since 1974.

As a large financial institution in Ireland, AIB wants to ensure that even the most at risk of its customers are cared for and is collaborating with Women’s Aid to address the lack of awareness around domestic financial abuse.

Speaking on the collaboration, Women’s Aid Director Margaret Martin was keen to highlight the prevalence of financial abuse throughout Irish society.

“Earlier this month, we published our annual impact report which highlighted the level of contacts that we have received in the last 12 months; of the 19,000 contacts, there were over 1500 disclosures of financial abuse from all backgrounds and regions of the country.  We know this is just the tip of the iceberg,” she said.

The collaboration will see Women’s Aid and AIB work on heightening awareness around financial abuse, with AIB providing training for staff on supporting and referring women who may be affected by financial abuse.

Full information on financial abuse is available at and if you, or someone you know are affected by financial abuse, please contact the Women’s Aid national freephone helpline at 1800 341 900, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.