New speed cameras become operational in Galway and Mayo

Galway Daily news Speed limits reduced on busy city road for five months

New speed cameras installed on major roads in Galway and Mayo have become operational this week.

An Garda Síochána recently confirmed the installation of new static speed cameras on the N17 (Mayo) and N59 (Galway).

The speed cameras become operational on the two national roads on Friday, December 12/

Vehicles detected driving in excess of the 100km/h speed limit will be subject to prosecution from Friday 13th December 2024.

Prosecution of speeding offences takes place by Fixed Charge Notice. The current Fixed Charge Notice is €160 fine accompanied by 3 penalty points.

An Garda Síochána has said has said that the sites were chosen due to “numerous road traffic collisions, involving injury, serious injury and fatalities” at those locations.

“Safety cameras are intended to change driver behaviour, reducing speed of road users and the number of collisions that occur, making roads safer for all road users and decreasing the impact of speed on local communities.”

“The purchase of infrastructure and operation of this initial phase of safety cameras is a funded initiative by An Garda Síochána.”

“An Garda Síochána also welcomes the announcement in Budget 2025 of €9 million in funding for up to 100 new static safety cameras,” a Garda spokesperson said.