New project to support nutrition based entrepreneurs

Galway daily news nutrition based projects receive new supports

A new project called INCluSilver aims to support collaboration between small to medium enterprises from different sectors to create better nutritional options for older people.

NUI Galway is leading the market strategy on INCluSilver which offers grants of up to €60,000 for SME’s to develop ideas, products, and new technologies related to the field of personal nutrition for older people.

Proposed projects must be related one of several collaborative sectors in; agro-food, health, packaging, Information and communications technology, and creative industries.

Applications are open to SME’s from he Republic of Ireland, Denmark, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Spain, Sweden, and the UK.

Dr. Jane Walsh, market strategy lead for INCluSilver said: This project provides an excellent opportunity for SMEs working in the nutrition field to avail of much needed support to develop their products.”

The ‘Silver Economy’ this projects targets refers to he economic activity and consumer expenditure of people over 50 years of age.

A €3 million innovation voucher scheme to develop new ideas and products is currently open with applications closing on Saturday, September 15.

The Innovation Vouchers will be divided into three groups to help companies at different stages in their innovative activities.

The INCluSilver project offers three types of innovation vouchers that range in value from €3,000 to €60,000.

The three types of voucher are the Ideas Innovation Voucher, which seeks to support the maturation of relevant ideas and project needs.

The Proposal Innovation Vouchers, which seek to support: scalability and internationalisation, demonstration of technology readiness, transferability potential, and economic feasibility analysis.

And the Intellectual Property Rights Innovation Voucher, which seeks to support SMEs in protecting foreground and results of projects with appropriate tools.

Other partners involved in INCluSilver are the Skaane Food Network, Sweden; Asociacíon Clúster Alimentario de Galica, Spain; Distretto Agroalimentare Regionale scrl, Italy; University of Surrey, United Kingdom; Danish Food Cluster, Denmark; Corallia Clusters Initiative, Greece; INNOSKART ICT Cluster, Hungary; and the Agropolis International, France.

Cooperation among different actors along an integrated value chain with strong links to food health and nutrition will be promoted through project activities.

The main idea is that innovation flourishes at the borders, of places and idea, so collaboration will be encouraged between different industries across countries to see what comes of it.

Irish SMEs interested in applying for the voucher scheme can contact  or further information.