New lease of life for vacant houses in Headford

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The renovation of four empty homes in Headford has been welcomed by County Councillor Andrew Reddington.

The block of single storey houses in Castleview, Headford were selected for retrofitting after two of the housing units became vacant and required major refurbishment works.

As the houses were vacant, it was decided that the retrofitting works – part of the 2023 Energy Retrofitting Programme – would go ahead.

Some of the works involved included energy efficiency upgrades such as external insulation and additional attic insulation, new windows and doors, and solar panels.

These upgrades also included new fire detection alarms, as well as a full electrical check.

Works are progressing well and are approximately 80% complete, said Fine Gael councillor Andrew Reddington.

The contractor has estimated that the works will be completed by the end of September.