New Chair elected for Regional Health Forum West

Cllr Michael Kilcoyne, Mayo County Council with Tony Canavan, Regional Executive Officer for the HSE North West and Cllr Ciaran Brogan, Donegal County Council, chairperson of the Regional Health Forum West.

The Regional Health Forum for the west of Ireland and the Forum committee elected a new Chair and Vice Chair at the AGM this week.

The Annual General Meeting of the Regional Health Forum West took place on Tuesday evening, July 16.

The new chair and vice chairs for the Health Forum West and Forum Committee are:

Regional Health Forum West

Chair – Cllr Ciaran Brogan (FF), Donegal County Council
Vice Chair – Cllr Michael Kilcoyne (NP), Mayo County Council

Regional Health Forum Committee

Chair – Cllr Donna McGettigan (SF), Clare County Council
Vice Chair – Bridie Collins (FF), Limerick City and County Council

Cllr Donna McGettigan, Clare County Council with Tony Canavan, Regional Executive Officer for the HSE North West.

A Regional Health Forum is made up of representatives from the city and county councils within each of the HSE’s four administrative areas.

They make representations to the HSE on the range and operation of health and personal social services in their area, and the HSE in turn provides administrative services to the Forum.

Regional Health Forum West comprises Galway City & County Councils, Clare County Council, Limerick City & County Councils, North Tipperary County Council, Mayo County Council, Sligo County Council, Leitrim County Council, Roscommon County Council, and Donegal County Council.