New barriers being installed to end rat-run at Merlin Park Hospital

Galway Daily news Plans submitted for community nursing unit at Merlin Park Hospital

New barriers are being installed at Merlin Park Hospital to address the issue of rat-running which has plagued the area for years.

From Monday, June 17 works will commence to install barriers at the back gate of Merlin Park University Hospital (MPUH).

The hospital has issued a reminder for the public that access to the hospital for patients and visitors remains via the front entrance only.

The rear entrance continues to be designated for staff use only and access will be controlled by the new barrier system.

Local residents in the vicinity of Merlin Park Hospital have long raised the issue of people using Merlin Lane connecting to the rear of the hospital for rat-running.

Drivers using this road at high-speed and in high-volumes poses a severe safety risk for local residents.

Access for staff through the back gate will be restricted during the construction period which is expected to take four weeks.

Appropriate signage is in place to direct traffic.