National Ambulance Service decontamination demonstration taking place at UHG

Galway Daily news

The National Ambulance Service will be carrying out a demonstration on clinical decontamination for staff at UHG tomorrow, but hospital services will not be impact.

The clinical decontamination team will set up a tent and provide a full demonstration on clinical decontamination to the staff at UHG on Wednesday morning.

Decontamination is essential for people who have been involved in an emergency that involved potential exposure to a chemical hazard.

Clinical decontamination may have to be carried out at the hospital for patients who self-present and haven’t been decontaminated at the site of the emergency.

The demonstration will take place outside the Emergency Department entrance from 11:00 to 13:00 on Wednesday.

There will be additional ambulance vehicles, personnel and a decontamination tent on site for the purposes of the exercise.

There will be no impact to services at the hospital or at the National Ambulance Service during this time and people should attend for their appointments as scheduled.