N59 road improvements lasting 16 months begin Monday

Galway Daily news Traffic disruption expected from Galway City centre roadworks

Road improvement works on the N59 between Bunnakill and Maam Cross which are expected to take over a year to complete commence tomorrow.

Galway County Council is carry out extensive roadworks on 5.2km of the N59 which with tie-in works at either end of the scheme.

These will include extensive online/offline improvements along with a staggered junction at Maam Cross, two local road T-junctions and a number of access road T-junctions.

Other work involved in the project will involve widening the existing causeway, replacement of causeway culvert, retaining wall construction, and soft ground excavation and replacement.

Auxiliary works will include demolition, site clearance, boundary fencing, diversions to existing services, earthworks, waste material disposal, structures, drainage, road studs, road markings and signage.

The contract for the project has been awarded to Clare Civil Engineering Ltd, and the project is expected to take 70 weeks to complete.

When completed, the new N59 road will be a new Type 3 standard single carriageway. It will have a 7-8m wide carriageway, 0.5m hard strips, and 2-3.3m wide verges.

Traffic management measures will be in place on the N59 for the duration of these works.