Multiple burst mains causing water outages across Galway City

Galway daily news Water outages in multiple areas of Galway due to burst mains

Multiple burst water mains are causing water outages on both the east and west sides of Galway City this afternoon.

Irish Water has reported burst main in both Dun na Mara, Renmore and Droim Chaoin, off the Bishop O’Donnell road.

The burst pipe in Dun na Mara is causing supply disruptions to homes and businesses in Dun na Mara, Renmore and surrounding areas of the east side of the city.

Repairs are underway, and Irish Water has said that they are due to be completed shortly.

The burst mains on the west side of the city is disrupting the water supply to Droim Chaoin, Cuan Glas, Rosedale, Hazel Wood, Taylors Hill, and the Bishop O’Donnell Road.

Work here is expected to take longer, with an estimated completion time of 3pm given for the repairs.

Traffic management measures have been put in place at both locations while work is underway.

People affected by these outages are advised that it may take 2 – 3 hours after repairs have been completed for their full water supply to return as the network refills.

Updates on both of these situations can be found on Irish Water’s Supply and Service website page.