Multinational financial services company to double Galway workforce


The multinational financial services company EY is planning to double the number of people employed at its Galway office, adding 35 new jobs.

The firm opened its Galway office in 2016 with a staff of five, which has since grown to 35 employees offering tax and audit services.

EY have said that with growing business in the area, that number could now double to 70 within the next two years.

Director of EY’s Galway branch in Eyre Square Paraic Water’s said: “Our new, ultra-modern office has great facilities for all our staff in Galway, and has the capacity to accommodate the additional 35 people we will recruit by 2020.”

According to the Irish Times, in addition to hiring more people for their core services, EY intends to introduce new offerings from Galway including corporate finance and risk advisory.

Managing Partner of EY Ireland Frank O’Keefe said that Galway’s strong network of higher education institutes, and growing role as a centre of innovation in medtech and other life sciences, made it an ideal place to invest.

Earlier this year EY announced that they would be creating 520 jobs around Ireland, adding to the company’s existing staff of 2,500.

Only 10 of the jobs announced then were for Galway, with the majority going to Dublin, Cork, and Belfast.

Those jobs would be divided between graduates and experienced candidates, who could earn upwards of €65,000 a year depending on their experience.

As EY has expanded the range of services it offers from simply accountancy to providing more financial services for entrepreneurs and multinationals it’s increasingly hiring from the STEM fields.

“In the last year, approximately 60% of offers we’ve made in Ireland have been to people with non-traditional tax or accounting backgrounds,” said Frank O’Keeffe.