Kilkerrin-Moylough water outage fixed ahead of schedule

Galway Daily news Latest EPA report shows one Galway public water supply deemed "at-risk"

A water outage affecting 1,500 people in the Kilkerrin-Moylough area has been repaired ahead of schedule.

Yesterday large numbers of people supplied by the Slieveroe Water Tower suffered a water outage caused by a contamination of the raw water supply from heavy rain.

At the time people were advised to conserve what water was stored in their tanks and to avoid using dishwashers or washing machines if possible.

It was estimated on Sunday that the problem wouldn’t be corrected until 6pm this evening, but Irish Water issued an update at 8pm last night saying that work had been completed ahead of schedule.

“Due to exceptionally good work by Galway County Council operations crews in Kilkerrin/Moylough, treated water quality has been restored to acceptable levels,” a spokesperson for Irish Water said.”

As it took several hours for the network to completely refill some homes in the Moylough area did not get their water back until this morning.