Planning Authority upholds CPOs for Mountbellew Sewerage Scheme

Galway Daily news Lack of sewerage infrastructure impeding housing Galway TD says

An Bord Pleanála has confirmed compulsory purchase orders issued to progress the Mountbellew Sewerage Scheme.

The CPOs pertain to a new wastewater treatment plant being built north of Mountbellew as part of the sewerage Scheme.

Mountbellew is identified as priority area for improvements to the sewerage system, with discharge into the Castlegar river consistently receiving a “Poor” rating.

The existing wastewater treatment plant on the Castlegar river was upgraded in 2007.

However the plant has been inundated by the river on multiple occasions most significantly in 2015, and is in need of replacement according to Irish Water.

The new treatment plant to correct those is planned for a site adjacent to Mountbellew Co-op Livestock Mart.

Irish Water issued a Compulsory Purchase Order last year for the greenfield site in order to progress the scheme.

That CPO was the subject of an objection by the Livestock Mart on the grounds that the treatment plant would affect local business, impact on right of way, and cause noise pollution.

It was also claimed that insufficient information had been prepared about any potential environmental impact the treatment plant could have on livestock in the area.

The Co-op is also a partial owner of the land being subjected to a CPO for the sewerage scheme.

An oral hearing was held by An Bord Pleanála in October of last year at the Shearwater Hotel in Ballinasloe.

Recently, An Bord Pleanála confirmed the CPOs originally issued by Irish Water without any modification.

In making its decision the planning authority said that it was satisfied with the necessity of the project and the details laid out by Irish Water.