More time sought to fully restore Ballyglunin railway station

Galway daily news €100,000 awarded for developing visitor attraction at Quiet Man station

More time is being sought for restoration and conservation works to Ballyglunin Railway Station to add a visitors’ centre and community hall.

Works being done in the conversion involve converting the north courtyard to toilets with a flat roof, converting the south courtyard into a meeting room, and converting the residential area into a meeting room, tea room, and a store

The first phase of restoration, carefully removing the original slate from the roof and performing conservation works before restoring all the original material, was completed in March with the support of the community.

Other site works include providing car and bus parking for staff and visitors and installing a water treatment plant.

Planning permission was originally granted for the restoration works in July of 2013 with eight conditions attached.

This fresh application for an extension of that permission was brought to the county council earlier this month.

The application has been submitted by the Ballyglunin Community Development Company which has been raising money to restore the railway station.

To date the charity has raised well over €100,000 from donations and government grants

Ballyglunin station has become known as ‘The Quiet Man’ station for the role it played in the 1952 Academy Award winning John Wayne movie.

A decision is due from the county council on whether to grant an extension of time for the restoration works in early October.