More time sought to complete Roscam housing development

Galway Daily news Planning permission extended to build 113 houses in Moycullen

An extension of planning permission is being sought to complete construction work on a Roscam housing development.

Approval was granted in May of 2016 for the construction of 14 houses with individual garages at Beál Taoide on the Coast Road, Roscam.

Work began on site in early 2018, and construction of the houses themselves commenced in November of that year.

To date, four houses have been completely finished, construction is ongoing on three other units, and site works such as drainage and water infrastructure are complete.

As the original planning permission is due to expire in May of this year, the developer is seeking a five year extension from Galway City Council.

It is currently expected that works will be completed on the housing estate by late 2023 or early 2024 the EOD application states, subject to any COVID-19 restrictions.

The construction sector has only been allowed to return to work on private residential developments on April 12 after being shut for almost all of the past year.

A decision on this EOD application is due from Galway City Council by May 6