More time granted to complete extension to Galway mosque

Galway Daily news Solidarity rally tonight after Ahmadiyya mosque attack

More time has been granted to complete an extension to a mosque in Ballybrit to serve the local community.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Association of Ireland had previously secured permission to add a meeting space to the rear of the mosque and cultural centre on the Monivea Road, Ballybrit.

An Extension of Duration to complete that work was granted by Galway city council.

This extends the period planning permission up to 2023, though its expected that the extension will be complete and ready for the community to use by 2020.

The Masjid Maryam (The Mosque of Mary) opened in 2014, the first ever purpose built Mosque to serve the Muslin community in Galway.

According to the extension of duration order, the reason why the extension was not completed within the timeframe of the original grant of permission was die to financial reasons.

In granting the extension the council said “The applicant has applied for a five year extension period, whilst it also stated that the project is expected to be completed by 2020.”

“Given the nature of the development there is no particular urgency for the development to be completed, unlike a housing or commercial development.”