More time given to convert vacant garage to restaurant in the Claddagh

Galway Daily news More time given to convert vacant garage to restaurant in the Claddagh

Galway City Council has granted more time for the conversion of a derelict garage and filling station in the Claddagh to a restaurant.

Planning permission was first granted in December of 2015 to convert the vacant Corrib Service Station on Fairhill Road Lower to a restaurant.

An Extension of Duration was sought by owner P.J. Canny sought an Extension of Duration to that permission June of this year.

In the application it was stated that work had not yet commenced on the project due to the economic downturn.

Galway City Council granted the EOD application unconditionally, saying that it was “satisfied that such additional period is requisite to enable the development to which the permission relates to be completed”.

Planning permission for the conversion of the vacant garage will now last until December 13, 2025.

The plans call for a change of use of the existing garage/service station to a sit down restaurant, alterations to road facing fenestration, and the addition of six velux windows.

The project will also involve the construction of a new first floor on the building to offices, storage space, and staff rooms.

The filling station as it is has been derelict for more than a decade, and the original application states that it would be “in the interest of urban regeneration” to allow its conversion to a restaurant.

“The existing garage, in its present condition, is the only undeveloped site on the Raven/Griffin/Fairhill triangle, whilst also holding the most prominent position on the triangle due to its dual exposure to both Fairhill Road Lower and Father Griffin Road”.

“The proposed development will give the derelict site a new vibrant use, with an attractive facade treatment which will complement the existing urban fabric of the urban island.”

“The proposed development will also maintain and build on the critical mass of the city to strengthen economic growth and competitiveness as outlined in the CDP.”