Months long road closure in Athenry town centre

Galway Daily news road closure

Bridge Street in Athenry will be closed for a number of months starting next week as new sewerage pipes are laid in the town.

The next phase of Athenry Sewerage Scheme Project involves the installation of a new sewerage pipe at the river crossing.

To ensure the safety of crews and the public, a road closure will be required from October 31 to December 1.

The closure will be temporarily lifted during the Christmas period and replaced with temporary traffic lights on Bridge Street before it is reinstated from January 3 until the end of February, 2024.

Uisce Éireann’s Colm Claffey thanked the community for their patience and co-operation in advance as this vital project progresses.

“We understand that a temporary road closure is inconvenient, and our crews will make every effort to minimise disruption. We will lift the closure during the month of December to facilitate the busy Christmas period for businesses.”

“The long-term benefits of this project will far outweigh any short-term inconvenience. A sewer network that is fit for purpose is essential in order to support business and social development in the community.”

“Not only will these works support existing and future residential and commercial development, but they will also improve the overall performance of the sewer network.”

Coffey Construction Ltd, working on behalf of Uisce Éireann, are on track to complete the project by the end of 2024.

In the meantime, Uisce Éireann will continue to update the local community in Athenry as we continue to make progress.