Minister Harris encourages people to take Civil Legal Aid Scheme survey

survey report carers galway daily

Minister for Justice Simon Harris TD is encouraging people in Galway to participate in the consultation on reform of the Civil Legal Aid Scheme.

The government announced a comprehensive, independent review of the Civil Legal Aid Scheme last summer and in December, a public consultation was launched.

The consultation involves filling out a short online survey and the deadline for taking part is Friday 3 February 2023.


Minister Harris said: “The Civil Legal Aid Scheme provides legal aid and advice to people of limited means in civil proceedings, including family law, and is integral to ensuring fair access to justice for all.

“The review is comprehensive in nature, and will assess many aspects of the Scheme currently, in particular how it works to meet the needs of those it is intended to serve.

“A Review Group has been established which will make recommendations for its future, including in relation to eligibility.”

He said that they are particularly keen to hear from people who have previously interacted with the Civil Legal Aid Scheme.

“However, we also welcome submissions from anyone who has a view on how access to justice could be improved for people on low incomes or who may feel marginalised in other ways, for example due to race, ethnicity or gender.”

This is the first time in its more than 40-year history that the Civil Legal Aid Scheme has been subject to a comprehensive review.

The survey can be accessed here. For more information click here.