Menlo National School offers compromise after parents protest class sizes

Galway daily news Calls for mediator to be appointed in special needs education dispute

Menlo National School has issued a statement to parents after a protest this morning over class sizes with a potential compromise.

Parents protested outside Scoil Bhríde Mionlach this morning against plans to merge fifth and sixth class, which they said would have led to unacceptably large classes.

Management of Menlo have now said that while they can’t provide separate teachers for each class full-time, they will be taught the core subjects separately.

From 9:30am – 1pm each day , 5th class will be taught the core subjects in the library, while 6th class will be instructed in the classroom.

Previously school management had told parents that the Learning Support Teacher would be allocated to 5th & 6th class to avoid a merger.

However in a letter sent out on Tuesday, parents were told the school received legal confirmation they could not divert Learning Support hours away from the students they’re allocated to by the Department of Education.

In today’s compromise Menlo NS also promised to have a health and safety audit carried out by insurers as soon as possible, and to act on any advice given.

One parent representative from each class was also invited to come in to the school and view the classes today.

Menlo NS has said that it has, and will continue to request that the Department of Education provide an additional teacher for 5th & 6th class.