Martin roundabout conversion to begin in second quarter of 2020

Galway Daily news Call for report into delays to Martin Roundabout conversion

Work on converting the heavily trafficked Martin Roundabout in Galway city to a signalised junction will begin in the second quarter of next year.

The new junction replacing the roundabout will include pedestrian and cyclist access from the junction for Doughiska and Roscam, as well as pedestrian access to Galway Clinic.

City Councillor Alan Cheevers said that this will be welcomed by local residents as, “at present access to clinic by foot from these areas is currently dangerous”.

The Fianna Fáil councillor also welcomed maintenance works recently carried out on the roundabout to deal with overgrown hedges.

He said that these were causing serious issues for motorists coming into the city by blocking signs.

It’s currently expected that the conversion to a signalised junction will be completed by the end of 2020.

Funding of €2.7 million was secured for this project from the Urban Regeneration and Development Fund earlier this year.