Major conference to feature Irish emigrants’ stories

galway daily emigrant conference in galway

Irish emigrants can face many problems when departing our shores, including immigration issues, homesickness and the lack of voting rights.

But what about the problems faced by those who decide to return home?

Tomorrow, a conference hosted by the Irish Lobby for Immigration Reform USA and Safe Home Ireland will tackle the problems faced by returning Irish emigrants in the Connacht Hotel.

A range of speakers will meet to propose solutions to address difficulties faced by Irish people returning home after a period living aborad.

This unique event is scheduled to take place on Saturday October 7th between 2-4pm at the Connacht Hotel in Galway.

The meeting will be streamed live globally and the audience will hear from immigration specialists, returned Irish citizens sharing their stories as well as a selection of other invited speakers.

The Conference will also hear from immigration specialists, returned Irish citizens sharing their stories as well as a selection of other invited speakers, including Minister with responsibility for the Diaspora, Ciaran Cannon TD and Senator Billy Lawless Senator for the Diaspora.

The Government has recently announced the appointment of independent consultants to undertake a detailed economic report on the topic of ‘barriers’ facing recently returned/returning Irish emigrants and to ‘identify solutions’ to same.

The Webinar will help contribute to this report and is a unique opportunity for those affected to have a say and ensure that key issues and solutions are presented for change.

The Event takes place at the Connacht Hotel on the Old Dublin Road in Galway City on Saturday October 7th, from 2-4pm. It will be streamed live on Facebook from Ciarán Staunton’s page here.