Planning permission granted for Loughrea housing estate

Galway Daily news Planning appeal over 91 houses & apartments in Athenry

Planning permission has been granted for the construction of a residential development in Loughrea consisting of 13 houses.

Pinza Property Company secured approval from the county council for the housing estate at St. Laurence’s Field, Loughrea which will include one detached house, six semi-detached houses, and six townhouses.

Other work involved in the project will include the provision of landscaped public open spaces and a children’s play area, vehicular access off the R380 (old N66), and infrastructure works such as providing a sewer connection.

On July 2 of last year the county council requested that the developer carry out a Road Safety Audit, as well as provide more information about how this development will link to pedestrian infrastructure in the area.

The developer was also instructed to liaise with the council’s housing section to come to an agreement that will satisfy their Part V planning obligations for social housing.

After meeting is was agreed that Pinza will provide one unit in the new estate for social or affordable housing.

The Road Safety Audit made a number of recommendations for improving road safety for both cars and pedestrians, as well as improving pedestrian connectivity with the rest of Loughrea.

Galway County Council granted planning permission for this housing development with a total of 18 conditions attached.

Before any work commences the developer must pay to the county council a bond of €91,000 to secure the provision of public lighting, footpaths, water mains, sewers and other public services.