Multiple Lough Corrib navigation buoys missing or drifting

Galway Daily news Lough Corrib navigation buoys

Several of the navigation buoys on Lough Corrib are either missing or have drifted away from where they’re supposed to be according to the city council.

Navigation Buoys on Lough Corrib are maintained by the Lough Corrib Navigation Trustees, which consists of six city councillors and two non-council members, all of which are chosen by the city council.

The council recently issued a notification about three buoys on the lake which aren’t where they’re supposed to be.

The North Cardinal buoy which should be located at N53 29.198 w 9 16.234, north of the shallow and just north east of Coad, has drifted by about 1.8nm north east of where it should be.

More head scratching is a green buoy just south of the cardinal buoy at N53 31.069 W9 16.293 which has clearly drifted in from somewhere as there isn’t supposed to be any marker at this location.

However, at this point, where that buoy is supposed to be on the lake is unknown.

And lastly the south cardinal buoy on the rocks at N53 31.150 w9 16.749 is actually the south cardinal buoy for that rock/shoal and has drifted a short distance from where it should be.

“A complete survey of all markers will be carried out as soon as possible and works will be carried out to restore the buoys to their correct location,” said Carmel Kilcoyne of the council environment department and Navigation Engineer with the Trustees.

“I apologise for the inconvenience caused and request all users of Lough Corrib to exercise caution while these buoys are missing. I will update you further as the works are carried out.”