Local objections to plans for 35 unit development outside Moycullen

Galway daily news Knocknacarra social housing

Local have submitted objections to the county council regarding a mixed development of 31 homes and four commercial units planned outside Moycullen.

The development at Ballyquirke West would consist of three 2-bed houses, six 3-bed houses, twelve 4-bed houses, three 1-bed apartments, seven 2-bed apartments, and four commercial/office units.

Access to the estate would be made via an existing road to the neighbouring estate of Uillinn in Moycullen.

The estate would be served by 62 parking spaces, eight of which would border onto the main road and be of general public use.

It would also include of 475m² of open space out of the 3,686m² contained within the development.

Th application for planning permissions is being made by Cyril Kelly of Cyril J Kelly & Associates Consulting Engineers, Liosbán Industrial Estate.

17 submissions were made to the county council by residents of of Uillinn objecting to the proposed development.

Residents are concerned that the development would put their estate at greater risk of flooding as the run-off water from the mountains requires a certain amount of green area to absorb the water.

The planning application says that any run-off or other flood waters would be collected by the storm sewers and diverted to by gravity to an underground concrete attenuation tank with a capacity for 280m³ of water.

Local residents also said that the development would increase traffic congestion in the area of Moycullen, and that the increased traffic would pose a threat to child safety.

In order comply with Part V of the Planning and Development Act, which state that in any development over a certain size the local authority can ensure that up to 10% is set aside for social or affordable housing, the application proposes transferring three units to the council.

The total cost to the planning authority for the three houses would come to €785,340.

A request for further information was made by the county council back in February to clarify aspects of the design, which was answered by the developer at the end of July.

The county council is expected to make a decision on the planning application later this month.