Local woman to run half marathon with 5-year-old triplets in bicycle trailer

half marathon galway daily lynne

A local woman is planning to run a half marathon next Saturday while pushing a bicycle trailer with her 5-year-old triplets, all for a very worthy cause.

Lynne O Loughlin is raising funds to provide nursing homes with tablets, headsets and covers which can be can be disinfected, so that people can stay in contact with their loved ones during this crisis.

She will run the half marathon on a patch near her house in Salthill, doing laps in a circle all within a 2km radius of her house.

The products will be bought locally to support local businesses and made available to any nursing homes in Galway that require them.

Lynne has set up a GoFundMe page, which has so far raised nearly 3,000 euro of her 10,000 euro goal.

On her fundraising page, Lynne said: “Being there for our loved ones in their time of need is something we have taken for granted but in these extraordinary times and after over a month of restricted visiting to nursing homes across the country, keeping in touch with members of our community in our nursing homes is a challenge for families and staff.

“We have all embraced new methods of communication in recent times, whether its working from home, having meetings on zoom or calling our friends on skype and facetime.

“Without access to smartphones or tablets our social circles would be a lot smaller.”

Photos and video footage will be posted following the run.

People can donate by clicking HERE.