Joint Policing Committee meeting to take place in Claregalway

Galway Daily news Joint Policing Committee meeting to take place in Claregalway

A public meeting of the Galway County Joint Policing Committee will take place next week in Claregalway.

Members of the public are invited to attend the meeting which will discuss matters related to the policing of the county.

The main topics which be addressed at the meeting are:

Education & Awareness:

Misue of Illegal Substances
Road Safety (Speeding, Mobile Phone Usage, Drink/Drug Driving)
Underage Drinking

Crime Prevention/Personal Safety

Community Watch Text Alert Schemes
CCTV/Anti-Social Behaviour/Vandalism
Support for the victims of crime

Illegal Dumping & Littering

County Galway Litter Management Plan
Reporting incidents of illegal dumping & littering

The Joint Policing Committee meeting will take place at the Claregalway Hotel at 7pm next Monday, November 14.