Hurling and camogie cause the highest amount of sports injuries

Galway Daily news

Hurling and Camogie cause the highest number of sports injuries Portiuncula Hospital has found.

Advanced nursing practitioners working at the emergency department at Portiuncula Hospital audited all of the sports injuries they treated, and founded that hurling and camogie made up the lion’s share accounting for 38% of the total.

Following on from that was soccer accounting for 32 percent of injuries treated, rugby (15%), gaelic football (10%), and horse riding (5%).

Ciara Mooney, Advanced Nurse Practitioner and lead author of the study on sports injuries said that different sports tended to rack certain types of injuries more often.

“In line with other studies, hurling and camogie accounted for a significant per cent of finger or hand related injuries – 50% were finger or thumb injuries and a further 23% were hand injuries.”

“The largest proportion of soccer injuries were ankle and knee injuries,” she said, adding that “rugby presentations were an equal number of lower limb and head injuries.”

Within the timeframe of this study, 617 patients were treated by the ANP service at Portiuncula, and of those 60 had a sports related injury.

The findings of the study were presented at the recent Research Day at Portiuncula University Hospital which was organised to showcase the research and audit work undertaken at the hospital and at the European Society for Emergency Medicine (EUSEM) annual congress in Glasgow.