Hundreds of extras to be cast in German crime drama set in Galway!

extras galway series

Four-hundred extras will be cast in a German crime drama series set in Galway.

An extras co-ordinator in Galway is looking for males and females of all ages, looks and ethnicity to play guards, gang members and bingo players.

A small number of children and special extras are also required – and the work is paid.

The series will be shooting in September, October and November and there will be an open casting this Friday, 7  September in Galway Arts Centre, 47 Dominick Street from 10am to 5pm.

The series is about an Irish-German psychologist called Cathrin Byrne, who, in the vein of Miss Marple and Montalbano, solves a new crime in each episode.

In this contemporary “who done it” crime drama Cathrin, an ex Garda, now a practising psychologist, helps Gardaí in an advisory and profiling capacity to identify villains and bring them to justice.

This is a pilot programme for prime time German television, shooting will take place in Galway during September, October, and November.

For more information, contact Mairead at or like West Coast Casting on Facebook for updates.