HSE receives retention permission for temporary UHG emergency department

Galway Daily news

Galway City Council has granted Retention planning permission for the temporary emergency department at UHG.

University Hospital Galway moved the ED to a new location at the front of the hospital in October of last year.

The Emergency Department was moved from its old location in order to clear the way for those buildings to be demolished, with plans for a new modern ED and Women’s and Children’s Department in its place.

The HSE sought Retention Permission from the city council for the new Temporary ED, along with 24 car parking spaces which were created for the loss of parking around the old building.

Planning approval was also sought for a new Electrical Energy Centre at the east/northeast of the hospital campus, which the application stated is needed to meet the standards of the ESB.

The application was not without controversy, as the city council received 39 public submissions concerned about noise and light pollution, and the potential for the loss of parking to affect neighbouring areas.

Just three conditions were attached to the grant of retention permission for the development by the city council.

The HSE must pay a contribution of €83,250 towards the provision of public services facilitating the emergency department.

However, the condition states that a partial refund of this contribution may be considered if the new emergency department is built within five years.