HSE encourages public to consider all care options this St Patrick’s Day Holiday weekend

Galway Daily news Plans submitted for new Galway City Primary Care Centre

Health services in the West and North West wish to remind the public of all their care options ahead of the St Patrick’s Day Bank Holiday weekend.

Plans have been put in place across hospital and community services for what is expected to be a very busy weekend to ensure patients can access the care they need in the right setting.

If you urgently need to see a GP over the bank holiday weekend you should contact your local out of hours GP service.

Westdoc is also in operation in Galway, Mayo and Roscommon from Friday evening until Tuesday morning.

It’s expected that emergency departments will see higher than normal attendances due to the bank holiday weekend and the HSE would ask for the public’s patience during long wait times.

Teams will continue to assist patients in moving as quickly as possible through the hospital system if they require hospital care.

This includes actions to support patients avoid ED admission, improving the experience of patients while in ED, ensuring effective movement within the hospitals and timely discharge to community services and other care supports.

Another option of care is injury units, such as in Roscommon Hospital, which treat non life-threatening injuries such as broken bones, dislocations, sprains, wounds, scalds and minor burns.

The National Ambulance Service (NAS) has advised that Bank Holiday weekends also see an increase in call outs and are also urging the public to consider all care pathways in advance of contacting them.

Tony Canavan, Regional Executive Officer, HSE West and North West has asked that all avenues of care be explored in advance of attending your local ED.

“Bank Holiday weekends usually result in increased attendances at our hospitals. To help alleviate this, we would ask that all care options available [be] considered before attending your local ED.”

“Care options include GP out-of-hours services, local pharmacies and injury units. However, if you do have a genuine emergency please go to your local hospital where you will be seen,” he said.

Meanwhile Dr Áine McNamara, Regional Director of Public Health, HSE West and North West had the following advice.

“There are respiratory illnesses and the winter vomiting bug, norovirus, circulating in our community. Take care if visiting those more vulnerable in hospitals or residential care facilities this bank holiday weekend.”

“If you are feeling unwell you should avoid visiting until you are better and take care to wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and water to reduce the risk of spread of infections.”