HSE directs hospitals and healthcare facilities to suspend parking charges


The HSE has today directed all hospitals and healthcare facilities in the country to immediately suspend their parking charges for the duration of the coronavirus emergency.

CEO of the HSE, Paul Reid said, “ I have been overwhelmed by the dedication, support and professionalism of all our staff in helping to contain the COVID-19 outbreak to date.”

“As we face in to a very difficult period it is only right that we make every effort to ensure that staff are supported in their work.”

“Therefore I have directed today that all hospitals and healthcare facilities suspend parking charges for staff for the duration of the Covid-19 crisis, as a small mark of our gratitude for their efforts.”

There have been 12 confirmed cases of Covid-19 coronavirus in Galway as of Wednesday evening according to a breakdown of the national infection figures provided by the Department of Health.

All of Galway’s hospitals have already imposed visitor bans and deferred all but the most urgent of appointments and procedures in order to limit the spread of infection, particularly to vulnerable hospital patients.