Plans to knock derelict Tuam building for housing

Galway Daily news Planning approval for Oranhill residential development

Planning permission is being sought to demolish a derelict building in Tuam to make way for an infill development of 11 houses and apartments.

A planning application by M Cummins has been made to the county council for construction of housing on an overgrown site on Bishop Street, Tuam.

The proposal would see a derelict building on the site knocked down. On the site, it is intended to build a terrace of three houses up front, with eight apartments arranged in duplexes to the rear.

Ten parking spaces would be located next to the apartments, with rear gardens and public open space separating it from the existing homes on either side.

An Architectural Heritage Impact Assessment was prepared due to the site’s location within an Architectural Conservation Area.

Galway County Council is due to make a decision on this planning application by November 6 of this year.