Plans submitted for hundreds of apartments in Rahoon

Galway Daily news Planning appeal over 91 houses & apartments in Athenry

Plans have been submitted to the city council for a massive residential and commercial development, containing hundreds of apartments, in Rahoon.

Glenveagh Living Ltd have made a planning application for 227 apartments, spread across seven apartment blocks, at Gort na Bró, Rahoon.

The development will also include 1,009.5m² of commercial space at the ground floor level of the blocks.

The plans by Glenveagh also include the construction of a community facility and a childcare facility with an external play area.

The development will be feature a total of 230 car parking spaces, divided between 49 surface spaces, and 181 in an underground car park.

Bicycle parking for the complex will comprise 114 short stay and 436 long stay spaces.

Other works involved in the project would involve the realignment of the road between Gort na Bró and Gateway Retail Park, as well as the provision of private and communal open spaces.

The planning application, which was submitted on December 21, is currently at the pre-validation stage with the city council.

A decision on this application is currently due from the city council by February 23 of next year.