Plans approved for Galway City apartment complex

Galway daily news Knocknacarra social housing

Planning permission has been granted for a mixed use residential and commercial development in the Shantalla area of Galway City.

The city council has given the green light for the demolition of the former T O’Higgins & Co store and covered storage yard on the Rahoon Road.

In its place, Sean Talamh Development Ltd intends to build a u-shaped apartment complex arranged around a central courtyard area.

Ultimately, planning permission for the project was granted with 23 conditions attached by the city council.

One condition of the planning permission is that the northern fourth level of the apartment block must be omitted from the plan.

Another condition of the city council stipulated that the apartments must not be used for short term lets.

Between revisions requested by the council to reduce the density and scale of the development, and the planning condition, there are 70 apartments in the plans approved by the city council.

The original plans were for 21 one-bedroom apartments, 59 two-bedroom apartments, and 6 three-bedroom units, and a ground floor commercial unit with outdoor seating.

The apartment complex will consist of three levels over basement parking, with 59 car parking spaces and over 200 bicycle spaces.

The vehicle access point to the site will be moved, and upgrades made to the existing pedestrian laneway.