Approval sought for Moycullen apartments & offices

Galway Daily news Approval sought for Moycullen apartments & offices

Planning permission is being sought for a mixed-use development of 23 apartments and co-working offices in Moycullen.

Limekin construction is seeking approval to demolish two buildings at Cill Ráine, Moycullen, on the north west outskirts of the village along the Clifden Road.

One of the buildings to be demolished is a vacant bungalow, while the other is a commercial shed with forecourt, which has been out of use for some time.

In its place the developer intends to construct a three storey building over basement car parking.

This will include two co-working offices, along with 5 one-bedroom apartments, 15 two-bedroom apartments, and 3 three-bedroom units.

Landscaped communal open space will be located to the rear of the property, which will be served by a total of 35 car parking spaces and 50 bicycle spaces, in the basement and on the surface.

Planning permission had previously been granted by the county council for a mixed-used commercial, office, and residential development on this site, which has since expired.

Galway County Council is due to make a decision on this planning application by August of this year.