Appeal lodged over plans 227 apartments in Galway City

Planning refused for large scale apartment complex in Knocknacarra

A planning appeal has been lodged against the city council for refusing permission for 227 apartments in Rahoon.

Galway City Council rejected an application by Glenveagh Living for seven apartment blocks on a site at Gort na Bró, Rahoon, next to Gateway Retail Park.

That decision has now been appealed to An Bord Pleanála, which is due to rule on the case by April 10, 2024.

The residential development also included 1,009.5m² of commercial space at the ground floor level of the blocks, which range from three to five storeys in height, a community facility, and a childcare facility with an external play area.

Galway City Council rejected the plans due to concerns about overshadowing, and the development’s relationship with the planned N6 Galway City Ring Road.

The council said that the plans were in contravention of policy regarding developments on or affecting national roads due to its proximity to the proposed N6 Galway City Ring Road route.

Other works involved in the project would involve the realignment of the road between Gort na Bró and Gateway Retail Park as well as the provision of private and communal open spaces.Appeal 

A major element of the plans was the creation of a Civic Square on the western edge of the site to cater for the wider Knocknacarra District Centre.